Call Web Service

Use the Call Web Service component to call REST web services. Assign the result to a control on the page to show what the service returned.

When to use a Web Service connector instead?

Using a connector is the preferred way of working with web services. However, the Call Web Service action is better suited to web service calls when authentication is dynamic, i.e. the credentials, like API keys, change for every call you make.

More on REST API's

Popular service providers, including Yahoo, Google and Facebook, have implemented the REST model of API's to expose their services. Read more about REST here.


  1. Type

    Authentication type.

  2. Username

    The username to use when authenticating.

  3. Password

    The password to use when authenticating.

  4. Domain

    Domain to authenticate against.

  5. URL

    The URL to call.

  6. Query String

    The parameters sent in the query string.

  7. Headers

    The parameters sent in the header of the request.

  8. Method

    The operation of the request.

  9. Body Format

    The format of the request body.

  10. Body

    The body of the request.

  11. Timeout

    Request timeout (in milliseconds).

  12. Host

    Proxy host

  13. Port

    Proxy port

  14. Bypass on Local

    Bypass proxy on this machine

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