
25 May 2023

New Features:

Global Scripts

Scripts can now be defined once on an application level and then be used on any page in the application.


Updated to latest SqlClient

Our database connector has been updated to use the latest Microsoft.Data.SqlClient. The new SqlClient handles SQL Server connections differently. See Breaking changes in EF Core 7.0 (EF7) - EF Core | Microsoft Learn for details on what has changed and possible mitigations thereof.


  • Improve start-up speed of successive previews

  • Allow setting a variable or similar to the value of ForEach.LoopValue

  • Add a validation for the Response Type on REST operations


  • Manually removing .map(...) from an expression was reverted on save

  • Exporting a previously deleted and then undid embedded file caused a ‘Value cannot be null’ exception

  • Assigning an object caused an unexpected ‘Expected a single value’ validation

  • .mapAsync(...) was thrown away when used inside of an object expression

  • Repeater.ListItem did not update controls bound to it

  • After the initial deployment of an application, the HTTP Response header (CORS) should not be updated in SAM

Last updated