
24 July 2023

New Features

Search in the designer

New search functionality has been added to the Designer allowing you to search for specific names or phrases throughout your application.

<figure><img src="https://community.stadium.software/community/uploads/default/optimized/1X/ec727bcc33d40396766a2ccb42ad25a383065558_2_690x432.png" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>


  • Select and assign Database.FirstResult to an instance of a Type

  • Assign lists to TextBox.Text and the body of Web Operations

  • Improved performance when opening and closing an application

  • The Repeater.List property can now also be retrieved in scripts and not only set

  • JSON-only properties now show validations for invalid JSON

  • Neaten the Application explorer


  • “Sequence contains no elements” was encountered when starting, stopping and restarting Preview in quick succession

  • Occasionally a “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading authenticationType)” exception was encountered when rebuilding Preview

  • Repeater was not updated after modifying the Repeater.List property

  • A race condition existed when rendering the Repeater items

  • Controls lost their reference when they were cut and pasted across pages

  • The cursor would not indicate that a menu item is clickable in the generated applications

  • Empty curly brackets was not recognized as an empty object in the Designer

  • Repeater in Grid rendered out too many cells

  • The darkened background of the Connection String editor was prematurely removed

Last updated