Drop Down

A drop-down control renders to a standard HTML <select /> tag containing <option /> tags. You can populate the drop-down from a data source or define a static list.


  1. Options

  2. Hint

    Some placeholder text that will show when the drop down is empty. This value is not saved if no other value is entered.

  3. Read-Only

    Set to True if you want the control to display as read-only (value can't be changed) on the page.

  4. Selected Value

    This value will be shown in the drop down when the field loads.

  5. Validations

    Some validations that can be applied to the drop-down.

  6. Visible

    Set to False if you don't want this control to render on the page and be visible to the user.

Assigning data to a DropDown


To display a DropDown list containing option values retrieved by a SQL query:

  1. Use an appropriate Event, e.g. Load (page) or Click (button) to which a SetValue action can be added.

  2. Add a SetValue action that populates the DropDown options with each returned value.

Retrieving data from a DropDown

Properties that can contain data:

  • Options (Value)

Use an action to capture the values from the control. Go here for more details on how to collect data from controls.


  1. Change

    An event that triggers when another option in the dropdown is selected.

    Event Input Parameters:

    1. PreviousOption The Text and Value of the option that was selected before selecting the option.

    2. SelectedOption The Text and Value of the newly selected option.

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