
8 December 2022

New Features

Databinding a Repeater

Controls inside of a Repeater can now be two-way data-bound to the properties of an object. That means if the user changes the value in the control, the value of the item in the dataset bound to the Repeater also changes accordingly. Read Introduction to databinding for more details on this.

Web Service Body Type

A type can now be assigned to the body of a web service operation thereby removing the onus on you to format the body as a specific JSON value. Should the value differ from the expected type, Stadium will automatically transform it into the expected type for that web service operation. Watch this space as further enhancements to the web service will be rolled out in the new year.


  • OAuth: Improved security around the handling of tokens

  • Allow setting a property on the ForEach.LoopValue

  • Change the Type Import dialog to contain a Name field and more descriptive text

  • Prevent periodically seeing an error page when refreshing Preview

  • When calling a connector, add the Object Editor to the parameter fields in the Property Grid

  • UX improvements to the Mapping Editor

  • ESC should close Code Editor and Expression Editor without saving

Fixed Bugs

  • PreviewLogging prevented callbacks from running

  • The user profile icon was not visible when it overlaid a menu in deployed applications

  • Updating the server via the web frontend, frequently timed out.

  • WebDAV caused a 405 error when editing users & roles in deployed applications

  • ‘Expected a single value.’ validation was displayed when assigning an object or JSON string as value

  • Refreshing a selectable DataGrid in deployed applications caused an error: [Type error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘selected’)]

  • Fixed an issue where the Object editor threw an exception ‘Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source’

Last updated