User API
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Stadium applications with Authentication mode Email & Password or Single Sign-on come with a REST API that can be used to remotely manage application users.
Calling the application User API requires a key. Generate this key in the Stadium Application Manager (SAM) under the application's User API section.
Here you can also download an Open API definition file.
The API exposes the operations below
Replace the <api-key> placeholder in the URL's below with the key you generated for your application. Replace the <application-url> placeholder with the base url of your site (e.g.
Returns a Json object containing all users. Use a querystring parameter "email" to filter the results by email.
Example Response (application/json)
NOTE: The data object is used in the Single Sign-On process by Stadium and is not available to API users.
Returns a Json object containing the details of a specific user The UserID is generated by Stadium and can be retrieved using the Fetch Users API call
Example Response (application/json)
NOTE: The data object is used in the Single Sign-On process by Stadium and is not available to API users.
Creates a new user record
Content Type
Body (example)
Example Response (application/json)
Updates an existing user record
The UserID is generated by Stadium and can be retrieved using the Fetch Users API call
Content Type
Body - all fields are optional (example)
Deletes an existing user
The UserID is generated by Stadium and can be retrieved using the Fetch Users API call
Returns a Json object containing all available roles
Example Response (application/json)