
7 September 2023

New Features

Application Pages listed in destination dropdown

Quickly and easily define an Application Page as the destination of a Link control by simply selecting it from the dropdown. Application Pages are now available in the dropdown everywhere the URL editor can be used.

<figure><img src="https://community.stadium.software/community/uploads/default/original/1X/c9aaf82bae2091316ce7b0f7949cdba81deeca6e.png" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>

{EmbeddFiles} placeholder

Use the `{EmbeddedFiles}` placeholder in the Head property of an application to include any stylesheets, scripts or other files. This placeholder will be replaced with the actual path at compile time.

<figure><img src="https://community.stadium.software/community/uploads/default/original/1X/9f61b33b94d9a0de625ac98b21968b568eff055a.png" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>


  • Preview is more stable

  • Allow certificate to be located in either the Personal or Web Hosting store

  • Changed the menu item name “Classic Theme” to “Light Theme”


  • The designer crashed after changing the Response Type of a Web Service operation

  • The ‘User’ role was removed from the user when updated via the User API

Last updated